County Rainbow Whipsnade Adventure

We are organising a county Rainbow adventure day to Whipsnade zoo on the 28th of May.

Coaches will be provided, with suggested pick ups from St.Neots, Huntingdon, St.Ives and Serpentine green.

The cost is £28.50, which includes coach, entrance fee and a badge. 


The cost is £28.50 for all participants, leaders included. 

Girls can bring £5 pocket money as there is a shop on site.

This will be finalised once we have a better idea of numbers. Suggested locations at the moment are St.Neots, Huntingdon, St.Ives and Serpentine green.

The Rainbow ratio of: 5 girls – 1 leader, 5-10 girls – 2 leaders, 10-15 girls – 3 leaders must be strictly adhered to.

Each unit will need at least one leader with safe space level 3, and first aid qualifications, these do not need to be the same leader. Each unit will need to bring their own first aid kit.

Info/Consent form, Home Contact, Contact Emergency List own Risk Assessment to be completed by each Leader. Details of Home Contact should be forwarded with final payment to the office. (a template Risk Assessment will be sent out)

Rainbows need to come in their uniform, with no sashes or tabbards. Sensible shoes should be worn also.

Rainbows will need to bring a packed lunch and 2 drinks with them for the day.

There is a shop on site so Rainbows can bring up to £5 pocket money.

A deposit of £15.50 per person is required by the 1st of March.

Full payments will be required by the 30th of April