Current Training

Here you find any information about upcoming training going on within county.

At current most trainings are postponed due to the ongoing panademic.

Why not complete your Level 1 and Level 2 Safe Space whilst you "Stay At Home" ?
Level 1 and Level 2 Safe Space can be completed online. You don't need to login to GO, you just need to find the e-learning on the website and add your membership number at the end (so that your GO record is updated). It takes about 30 minutes including an online questionnaire. The link you need is here.
All volunteers need to do Level 1. This includes Young Leaders, DofE volunteers, Admin roles, occasional helpers in fact everyone on GO.
Unit Helpers, Assistant Leaders, Leaders, Leaders in Training and Young Leaders need to do Level 2 including the online questionnaire.
I hope you are able to help each other to complete Level 1 and Level 2.

We have cancelled First Response Training on Sunday 26th April due to the ongoing coronavirus pandemic.

We are likely to cancel Safe Space Level 3 on Saturday 6th June, First Response on Saturday 13th June and First Response Refresher on Saturday 4th July due to the risk of coronavirus. We will contact leaders who are booked on these courses in due course.


Training requests

If you have any siggestions or ideas of training you would like to take part in, within the county please fill out the form linked in the button below and we will try and accomodate these ideas.

Online Webinars

There are many online webinars available to you if you want to know more about running unit meetings online, Log on Go and look under "Learning Opportunities" . You then select "Register" on the list of Actions.

These are the next ones available:

11/5/20 at 630 pm. More hints and tips for successful Rainbow meetings online This session will provide specific guidance and support to help Rainbow leaders run effective unit meetings in an online environment.

11/5/20 at 8 pm. More hints and tips for successful Brownie meetings online.This session will provide specific guidance and support to help Brownie leaders run effective unit meetings in an online environment.

14/05/20 at 630 pm. More hints and tips for successful Guide meetings online This session will provide specific guidance and support to help Guide leaders run effective unit meetings in an online environment.

14/5/20 at 8 pm. More hints and tips for successful Ranger meetings online This session will provide specific guidance and support to help Ranger leaders run effective unit meetings in an online environment.

I hope you find these webinars helpful. please comment if you try one of these to encourage other leaders.