Bedfordshire, Cambridgeshire East & Cambridgeshire West Joint County Training Day 2022
5th March 2022 9.30-4.00 Ely College, Downham Road, Ely CB6 2SH

There is a charge to attend this event. It costs £10 per person unless you have opted to do First Response then the cost is £23. This expense is a justified unit expense and not something you need to pay for yourself.
We are providing free Coach transport to the training day. Please let the office know if intend to travel by coach.
Once you have registered on Eventbrite to secure your place and your choices of training, please send your cheque payable “Cambridgeshire West Guides” to the County Office, Unit 1, Green Farm, Abbots Ripton, Huntingdon PE28 2PF and tell the office if you would like to travel for free by coach to the event. Pick up points for the coach will be advised once all the bookings have been received.
The days timetable is as below:
Morning Sessions 10.45-12.45
You can choose one of these sessions when booking. If a session is not showing on the eventbrite booking then it is fully booked and you will need to select another choice
Going away with scheme
A session for leaders to explore the going away with scheme and help you get started on planning for a sleepover or residential event. This training will help you with Modules 1, 2 3 and 4 of the Residential Qualification:
- Module 1: Plan a residential event
- Module 2: Administer a residential event
- Module 3: Plan for the safety and security of others.
- Module 4: Make health and first aid arrangements
These modules are completed in the run up to an event with the support of a mentor.
Go Training for leaders
The training will cover:
- Recording the programme
- Dealing with girl enquiries and the waiting list, including printing starting forms
- Updating girls in your unit
- How to run reports
There will also be an opportunity to log on and work through any issues you are having and some hands on time.
Handling Volunteer enquiries on Go
This session is for Commissioners, County Enquiry Co-ordinators and District or Division Administrators that respond to Volunteer enquiries.
It will cover the stages of moving an enquiry from new to contacted, contacted to meeting arranged and from meeting arranged to awaiting recruitment checks. There will be discussion of how to communicate with the volunteers using the recommended email templates and use of notes. This session will include a Q&A on references and DBS checking.
Programme overview and resources
This session is to support leaders in training, unit helpers and young leaders to gain an overview of the programme and the resources that support it. It will show how the programme is delivered using the five essentials across all sections.
Managing unit money and gift aid
This session will cover getting to grips with making sure your unit finances are well managed and keep accurate and up to date accounts. Followed by a discussion on how to claim Gift Aid for your unit, with an explanation of the forms and process.
Games session - bring and share
A facilitated session where leaders share their favourite games from their unit. For a session with 20 participants if each one brings a game, then they should go away with 19 new games to play/run with their units. It will include a discussion on preparing risk assessments.
Fun with engineering in unit meetings
This session will help leaders to gain confidence in delivering engineering activities with their unit.
Fun with maths in unit meetings
To give leaders confidence in leading maths related activities in the unit meeting, and to discover creative ways to do this.
Having fun as a leader at meetings
This session will help leaders to gain confidence leading their meetings and gain tips about making meetings more fun for the girls and hence themselves
Lunch & Marketplace - 12:45-2.00pm
Visit the market place and meet the advisors. Stalls to include:
- International
- Peer Education
- Outdoor Activities
- Archivist
- Queens Guide/Duke of Edinburgh Award
- Awards
- A shop and badges will also be available
Afternoon - 2:00-4:00pm
You can choose one of these sessions when booking. If a session is not showing then it is fully booked and you will need to select another choice
Team building with Royal Navy or Army
To help leaders explore team building activities and think about how these could be used with adult teams or in the unit.
Personal safety and self-defence (with Police)
To give leaders confidence in leading personal safety and self defence unit meeting activities.
Time for yourself - an introduction to Pilates techniques
RSPB Partnership – have a go
Girlguiding Anglia has launched a partnership with the RSPB for 2022. This session will give you and opportunity to get hands on with some of the activities
Campfire fun
A session to learn some new songs, be reminded of old songs and make an instrument. With a discussion on sharing these ideas with the girls in your unit.
Save the planet and explore nature
To give leaders confidence in leading save the planet and explore nature unit meeting activities.
DIY skills
To give leaders confidence in leading DIY unit meeting activities.
Creating videos
A facilitated session by an enthusiastic amateur on how to create videos. You will need to bring a device and download some software in advance.
1st Response - 9.00am-4.45pm
1st Response is Girlguiding's own first aid course. It will train you to provide first aid to members in emergencies - in or outside of your unit meeting place.
What will I learn?
- Gain simple life-saving first aid skills that are relevant to your role.
- Develop the confidence and skills required to cope with emergency and first aid situations.
- Understand how to manage these emergencies.
This training covers all types of activities in guiding, including residential events.
Timings for those attending are:
9am Tea/coffee
9.15am-12.30pm (including 15-minute break at a time to suit)
12.30pm-1.30pm Lunch
1.30pm-4.45pm (including 15-minute break at a time to suit)
There is a cost of £23 for attending 1st Response, which is a legitimate unit expense.