Silent disco at Peterborough Cathedral
Join us for a silent disco at an incredible venue to celebrate the end of term.
When: 2nd December, three sessions for the day. Mixed all section session 1030-1230, Rainbows and Brownies 230-430, Guides, Rangers and Young Leaders at 630-830.
Where: Peterborough Cathedral
Cost: £5 per person which includes a badge

Will we need to wear uniform?
Yes please, it'll be a great advert for Girlguiding in the county. Festive extras are allowed though if you'd like to jazz up your outfit.
Will the girls need to bring money?
There will be a small tuckshop of sweets and drinks etc provided by the cathedral, and a small tuckshop of badges and other Girlguiding items provided by ourselves. If your unit would like to participate please ask the girls to bring cash in small denominations where possible.
Do leaders need to pay?
Leaders will only need to pay if they would like use of a headset while attending. Normal ratio rules will apply for your units so please make sure you have enough adults. There are two options in the shop, so leaders who do not want the use of a headset for the disco can still purchase a badge if they would like. If you have not purchased tickets for leaders please put how many adults your are brining into the notes of the order.
What time shall we arrive?
Please gather you runit in the courtyard until the entire unit has arrived then work your way into the cathedral together. Please only enter the cathedral once your event time has started.
We'd like a specific song played can we do that?
Yep! Please fill out the form here to put any song requests in.
Do unit needs their own First Aid?
Yes please. There will be assistance on site for first aid emergencies but the first port of call should be the unit team.